Movie Plot: A mother (Judith Light) is over protective and possessive of her son (Ricky Schroeder), and will do anything to keep her son all to herself...even murder his wife.
Reality: this movie is based on the case of Elizabeth Ma Duncan
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Photos of Elizabeth Ma Duncan in court (click to enlarge some photos)
Crime Scene Investigation Tour on 11/19/11. City of Ventura Recreation Department. $25 per person - - erecreation ... MA DUNCAN ..... Visit locations where this notorious crime took place, visit the apartment where she was kidnapped from, visit the locatino near where she was buried alive and lastly sit in the courtroom where Ma Duncan and her cohorts in crime received the death penalty.
Crime Scene Investigation Tour on 11/19/11. City of Ventura Recreation Department. $25 per person - - erecreation ... MA DUNCAN ..... Visit locations where this notorious crime took place, visit the apartment where she was kidnapped from, visit the locatino near where she was buried alive and lastly sit in the courtroom where Ma Duncan and her cohorts in crime received the death penalty.
ReplyDeletewow sounds interesting!